Allowing your Guests to use their phone to place Food & Beverage Order
As you consider alternate service models that limit interaction between employees and guest yet still provide a great customer experience, Venue Valet has developed a product that will allow guests to order certain food & beverage items from their mobile phone without having to press their call button or wait for a server to take their order.
This can be added as a module to the Venue Valet Mobile Loyalty App, including it as a step in the ticket purchasing process through your own website, or it can be a standalone service the customer can use after the movie starts to order refills or other limited menu items.
Like the Order Up feature, if you already have a Venue Valet Call Button system installed, this feature can be implemented with little or no additional hardware investment using the current touch screen call button screens already in place.
Because the CallConect system already has access to your ticket point of sale system, the Mobile Ordering application knows the details of the showing, such as when the movie starts and the runtime left. We use this information to keep the guest informed, but also will set “last call” limits so your guest dosn’t place an order after a set time period.

Integration into CallConnect Call Button Dashboard
After the customer places the order from their mobile phone, the order will be displayed directly on the CallConnect call button dashboard so your food service staff knows to enter it into the point of sale system. The alert will remain on the screen until the server assigned to that seat acknowledges it, ensure that the order is not missed.
Providing guests an easy option to order additional food or beverage items from their own mobile phone will be an important addition to your food & beverage service models that will increase guest satisfaction, improve operational efficiency, and maximize revenue opportunities. For more information about this and other products for your cinema, please contact us at (512) 270-9198 or email [email protected]